Speed up your measurements

Improve your inventory management




/ label

  • Measure trees up to 30 centimeters
  • Available soon !



/ label

  • Measure trees up to 20 centimeters
  • Get 20% discount starting from 2000 labels
  • Soon also available in inches



/ label

  • Measure trees up to 16 centimeters
  • Available soon ! 

It all starts with our

sliding labels

 Patent Rights Pending


Hang the label on the tree. Once.

Attach the label to the tree when the tree becomes ready to sell, after which the label will continuosly show the current category and exact size over the following years.

TIP: Hang the labels already early in summer, when it is easy to find student workers, to save time when doing measurements later in the year

Scan with your smartphone

Scan the labels when walking past and get an instant confirmation of succesful scan and indication of size - accurate to 2mm!

Add properties to a tree with easy batch indication:
species, container size, sellable or damaged, ...

TIP: Tree properties are permanently saved to the label which comes in handy when verifying the species variety in winter!

Retrieve all of your measurements

Work directly in an Excel file and filter on tree species, circumference and parcel name or import your measurement in your inventory management software. 

We can export to your specific inventory management software package, as we have already done with WinTree, GroenVision, Exact Business Software ...

Remeasure as much as you want

Get easy and fast updates with measurement history, all included in the price of a label.


Map View

Visualise and filter the trees on your fields and annotate individual trees.

Vehicle-mounted Camera

Whilst working with your tractor, a camera autonomously records measurements reducing manual labour for remeasurements to zero.

Precision GPS Tablet

Precise positioning and retrieving of individual scanned trees in the field.


 all enabled by a per-tree identification system

Harvesting Organisation

Combine harvesting of specific trees with field team route optimisation.

Full-tree Pictures

See and evaluate the health and quality of a tree without going out in the fields.

Growth Analysis

Spot underperforming trees and evaluate cultivation improvements over time.

Growth Prediction

Combine growth history with weather data to accurately predict tree size months earlier.

Our User Panel

We are in good company.

Pepinieres Cholat

Stay up to date

With the development of the labels and be notified when they go on sale.

Steenweg 146A-1 • 9810 Eke • Belgium

+32 471 96 84 21 • info@arboto.eu